I write this posting, while difficult to find inspiration for Pertamina blog contest , by chance I finished watching Metro TV a review of activities of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) PT. Pertamina Persero in helping provide clean water to communities in areas experiencing drought and water shortage in the area of Gunung Kidul . This activity made me salute the contributions and the determination of PT. Pertamina in serving the needs of the community who could really be felt immediately.
Previously, PT. Pertamina Persero fast conducting earthquake emergency response in Padang West Sumatra and in other affected areas with extraordinary concern. In addition to providing for the earthquake victims such as blankets, groceries and others, also play an active role in the recovery effort Padang West Sumatra by building infrastructure and rehabilitation of school buildings in earthquake areas, as well as optimizing the filling station in West Sumatra services in a short time. According to President Director of PT. Pertamina Persero Karen Agustiawan , 92 gas stations in West Sumatra has been normalized. Thank you Pertamina ...
Contest theme is carried by Pertamina Blog contest which is held byPT. Pertamina Persero in its 54th birthday anniversarry order PT. Pertamina Persero is smart and strategic steps of many other progressive measures that have been applied by one of the real state-owned enterprises (State Owned Company) is.
Of course not solely for profit orientation alone (profit oriented), but there are many direct contributions from Owned Enterprises (SOEs) PT. Pertamina Persero as a form of concern and active participation with the government in serving the public in the form of activity that is very helpful and direct touch with the needs of the grassroots community (grass roots) in the form of social activities, poverty alleviation, education, religious, and other infrastructure on.
Conversion success Kerosene to LPG a successful save USD $ 10.7 Trillion fuel subsidies is a real step contributions PT. Pertamina in responding to and supporting programs subsidized by the government savings that will be followed by another brilliant program as a pillar of the real sector with programs stations mainstay business , Pertamina eco-friendly programs such as Pertamina Clean and other programs
Underlined the importance that the substance of the motto Kerja Keras adalah energi kita I think it is a principle of education and motivation to get used to always working hard never give up, because it will not obtain the results or the optimal energy when we work only for routine determination alone without working hard.
I also feel proud to participate as children of the nation, because of hard work with the extra courage, PT. Pertamina Persero recently made management activities at the Tuba oil mining countries such as Iraq conflict. Not all oil and gas companies in the world of opportunity and the courage to do this activity. Thus, pursuit of this state is not only the National localized, but also international.
Happy birthday Pertamina... Bravo ! Kerja Keras adalah Energi Kita
BalasHapussekedar kunjungan balik mas..
Terima kasih atas semua kebaikan Pertamina, semoga tambah baik...
BalasHapusNun jauh di NTB... sebuah kunjungan balasan dari saya di Kaltim... trims atas kunjungannya di http://try2bcoolnsmart.wordpress.com/
BalasHapusSemoga sukses ya...
@wilya, danang, akin : Thanks smua, slam cinta n peace...:)http://gaelby.blogspot.com/
BalasHapussemoga sukses lombanya :D
BalasHapusdoa dari bojong akan menyertaimu :D
semoga apapun kegiatan pertamina selalu bermanfaat. sukses selalu , selamat siang
BalasHapus@diaz: thanks bro tlah mampir, good luck !
BalasHapus@kawanlama: Amiin... thanks, slam peace...
BalasHapusasik sekali :D
@anindya: thanks bro, good luck !
BalasHapuswah. . ikutan kontes jg mas?
BalasHapusmoga sukses ya kontes kerja kerasnya :)
moga sukses ajah yah
BalasHapusn salam knal
BalasHapus@Number;kenangu;abdmunir: thanks atas atensinya. slam cinta n peace :)